Sunday, August 20, 2023

Laundromat Rip-Offs

Above, the laundromat at Yosemite National Park. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

While on the road, I've rarely used RV park laundromats. That's because I plan ahead and my RV trips are of short duration (no longer than a week, usually) and do my post-travel laundry at home.

Just in case I need to use a laundromat, I do keep a handy supply of quarters. 

Debit and credit card usage is slowly creeping into laundromats. RV Travel has an article that paying by card at laundromats can lead to one being ripped off.

They begin it with:

While showman P.T. Barnum is accused of turning the phrase, “There’s a sucker born every minute,” it may be the poor fellow has been done the dirt. Barnum’s biographer has tried and tried to track down the truth, and suggests that Barnum, who was respectful of his customers, probably never said it. But one truth is known: If there’s a sucker born every minute, you can bet there are at least two con men waiting outside the delivery room for it to happen. And now it looks like folks who need to come clean at the Laundromat may be taken to the cleaners.

To read more, go here

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