Tuesday, August 15, 2023

New Mexicans Suffering High Electric Bills

Above, the swamp cooler didn't cost me more in my electric bill. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I must be lucky or something. 

Last month, during the 90°-plus temperatures, I had to run my swamp cooler non-stop. I figured that would lead to an enormous electric bill. 

Well, I had a pleasant surprise! My electric bill was only $88.38. The electric company for Jamestown is cooperative (co-op), so that may have something to do with it. Maybe swamp coolers aren't as costly as air conditioners.

Others in the state are not so lucky.

From Piñon Post:

High electric bills are taking a toll on New Mexicans amid hot July weather, driving up air conditioning usage. Customers of electric companies like PNM and Xcel Energy are witnessing unusually high bills, with air conditioners accounting for up to 50% of summer bills. PNM customer Peggy Abby expressed her shock at the substantial increase in her bill, telling KOAT 7 News, “I have never seen one this high! $453, it’s never even been $100.”

The high temperatures have led to increased electricity consumption, resulting in elevated bills for many households.

The left-wing energy policies also contributed to the high energy costs.

To read more, go here.

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