Tuesday, August 29, 2023

RV Shipments Continue To Plummet

Above, Class C motorhomes in transit at the Flying J in Jamestown, New Mexico. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Now that the pandemic is over (although there are rumblings here and there about restarting mask and other mandates again in some political circles), the boom in RV sales is apparently over.

RV Travel reports that shipments of new RVs has continued to plummet.

They wrote:

It cannot be a happy time in the RV manufacturing capital of the world, Elkhart, Indiana, as shipments of new RVs continue to slide dramatically.

The RV Industry Association’s July 2023 survey of manufacturers reports total RV shipments of 20,520 units, a decrease of 30.5% compared to 29,528 units shipped in July 2022. Year to date, RV shipments are down 47.7% with 185,350 units compared to 354,093 last year at this time.

I still see RVs at the local Flying J that are being transported to either Arizona or California. 

To read more, go here

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