Thursday, August 24, 2023

The USPS: Does It Know What It's Doing?

Above, our post office at the Flyng J. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I am currently awaiting an international package.

Before the United States Postal Service got a hold of it, the tracking indicated things were going smoothly in Europe. It reached New York Customs and cleared it relatively fast.

Then, it was sent pretty fast to the USPS Distribution Center in Albuquerque from New York. From there, it arrived two days ago to Gallup. I figured that I would arrive in Jamestown yesterday.

I checked the tracking when it didn't show up at our post office and it indicated it was sent back to Albuquerque yesterday.

I received a USPS email stating that it left Albuquerque last night at 11:11 and is en route to its destination. There has been no entries since. (I have signed up for email updates.)

Sometimes I really wonder if the United States Postal Service even knows what the heck it's doing.


The package showed up this morning.

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