Friday, September 8, 2023

Backlash Against Gov. MLG's Gun-Grabbing Executive Order

Such is the case where an eleven year old child was murdered by what appears to be a road rage shooting in Albuquerque. 

Now, as a result of this, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has signed an "executive order" to infringe on the Second Amendment rights of New Mexico citizens. Instead of getting tough on crime, it targets law-abiding citizens. This isn't sitting too well in the state. In fact, it is causing a bit of a firestorm.

The Piñon Post reported:

Far-left Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham declared a “gun violence” “public health emergency” on Thursday, as well as shelling out $750,000 taxpayer dollars on new gun grabs, which she did by the stroke of a pen in an executive order.

The governor used an 11-year-old boy’s tragic murder on the way home from a baseball game as the pretext for her order. 

New Mexico House Republican Leader Ryan Lane (R-Aztec) wrote, “It is unfortunate that the Governor has decided to politicize the death of an 11-year-old to push her anti-gun agenda. What’s likewise unfortunate is that with billions in revenue this state has not funded meaningful criminal justice reform including addressing reckless pre-trial release policies and behavioral health rehabilitation. The Democrat’s policies have created and exacerbated the crime crisis that is literally killing New Mexicans daily. It is unacceptable that it has taken this long to notice the number of everyday New Mexicans that are being affected by criminal violence.”

State Rep. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) wrote on X, “If only @GovMLG cared about the high number of babies and children that have died from Fentanyl overdose in New Mexico.”

“Or cared about the 599 overdose deaths each year, putting New Mexico 45.89% higher than the national average OD death rate. Or if she had pushed for the increased penalty bills for criminals with guns that I cosigned with Rep Bill Rehm. Or pushed for the ‘tough on crime’ bills that we presented.” 

One person wrote, “What are you going to do to stop violent criminals? Guns are inanimate and in no way, shape, or form commit violent crime. People commit crime and it’s cowardice to blame inanimate objects. Not fooled.”

“This is on YOU.  You have created the crisis. The Constitution CANNOT be suspended because of a State public emergency that you have no authority to initiate & make up based on the policies YOU put into place,” another wrote, adding, “THE CHILD’S BLOOD IS ON YOU & THOSE THAT SUPPORT YOUR INSANITY. OWN IT. Because I guarantee I will let everyone know about throughout NM. You will not be able to escape the truth of what you are responsible for. I will not be silent.” 

To read more, go here

 On Thursday, Gov. Lujan Grisham issued a statement (from the Piñon Post):

“The time for standard measures has passed,” she wrote. “Today, I am declaring gun violence a public health emergency in New Mexico.” Gov. Lujan Grisham emphasized what she perceived as the need for additional action to combat the escalating gun violence.

“I want to know that local officials are giving the epidemic of gun violence the attention it deserves. I want to know that every parent is making sure their guns are locked up. I want to know that district attorneys and judges are using every tool at their disposal to hold bad actors accountable. I want to know that every gun store is not allowing straw purchases. I want to know that every law enforcement agency is using our red flag law,” she added in the long-winded statement.

To read more, go here

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