Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Gov. Newsom Signs Sweeping Radical Gun Control Laws

It is a sure bet that lawsuits will be pouring out as a result of new gun control bills signed by radical leftist Gov. Gavin Newsom in California.

As time goes on, it is more obvious to me that I made the right decision to move out of Commiefornia!

The Daily Caller reported:

Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed several gun control bills into law on Tuesday that add heavy taxes for gun purchases and severely restrict where citizens can legally carry in the state, a video of the signing showed.

The laws will raise the eligible age to purchase a gun from 18 to 21, add an additional 11% excise tax to all gun sales and place expansive restrictions on where California citizens can carry guns, including within 1,000 feet of a school, at a public gathering, at a park, at or near a church, on a sidewalk next to a park and any parking lots. Newsom framed the move as a response to the “rights reduction” caused by gun laws that function under a “1790s framework,” a recording of the signing showed.

To read more, go here

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