Friday, September 15, 2023

Grisham Modifies Stayed Order To Skirt Around Fed Judge's Stay

The woman either is not too bright or she is just plain evil.

New Mexico Gov. "Malevolent Michelle" Lujan Grisham held a press conference to announce that she's modifying her health order of last week after it was stayed by a federal judge.

From the PiƱon Post:

On Friday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham called a press conference in Bernalillo County, where she attacked Republicans critical of her unconstitutional orders while announcing she is changing the public health order released last Friday.

The move came one week after she signed an illegal order to unilaterally usurp New Mexicans’ gun rights, where she said no rights and even her oath are not “absolute.”

On Wednesday, a Joe Biden-appointed federal judge struck down her order.

The Santa Fe New Mexican reported on the conference:

But, she said at the news conference, “We have removed the requirement that open and concealed carry cannot occur until the public health order has been removed or extended anywhere in the city.”

She added the ban on carrying firearms, open or concealed, will remain in place at parks and playgrounds where families and children gather. 

Lujan Grisham acknowledged last week the gun ban would face legal challenges. Most recently, the National Rifle Association and Republican lawmakers in New Mexico filed a lawsuit Thursday in the state Supreme Court. 

Modifying the original stayed order does not make any of it legal. All facets of the stayed order remain in effect. This is just a ploy to skirt around the federal judge's stay. 

It is obvious that she does not respect the court or their decision. She needs to be impeached and removed from office. She cannot be counted on to follow the law.

To read more, go here

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