Sunday, September 24, 2023

Home Again

Above, at the Ross Family ranch set from True Grit (1969).

This morning, I headed out of Colorado for New Mexico.

Before leaving, I was going to empty the motorhome's holding tanks, but the cap to the outlet (or is it inlet?) was stuck tight. So I decided to skip it and find an RV dump station along the way.

I got on the road at about 7:00 this morning. The drive was a pleasant one with a mix of pine trees and aspens, which were in their fall colors.

Above, the house used as the Ross Family home in True Grit. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The price for gasoline in Colorado was over $4.04/gallon, so I decided to get gasoline in Farmington, New Mexico for $3.99. The drive was mostly downhill and I was able to coast the motorhome. I had over a quarter tank of gas starting out of Ridgway. When I reached Farmington, I had just under a quarter tank.

Above, the Welcome To Colorado sign on Highway 140. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I took the longer, but more scenic Highway 140 out of Colorado to Farmington. I tried to go to the Fort Lewis Country Store, but I couldn't locate it and there were no cars around to indicate where it was. So I gave up.

Before leaving Colorado, as I was entering Durango, I saw the 8:30 Durango train heading out of town. 

Above, at Alpen Rose RV Park in Durango. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I decided to use the dump station at Alpen Rose RV Park in Durango. I've stayed there twice. So I paid their fee and emptied the holding tanks. Since the nighttime temperatures are dropping, it is best to keep the tanks empty.

I got home at 1:25. Before reaching home, I stopped at Big Ass Burger in Thoreau to get a cheeseburger and their famous curly fries.

All in all, it was a good trip.

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