Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Japan Hotels, Inns To Be Given Right To Turn Away Obnoxious Guests

Above, Tokyo's Hotel Fukudaya ryokan. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Being rowdy or excessively drunk at a Japanese hotel or inn (ryokan) will get one turned away.

Soon, hotels and inns will be given the right to turn away guests for bad behavior.

The Asahi Shimbun reported:

Hotels and inns will soon be able to turn away annoying and drunk guests under the health ministry’s draft guidelines that specify the conditions for refusal. 

The guidelines, released on Sept. 5, allow hotels and inns to reject guests who repeatedly exhibit aggressive behavior, including demanding unreasonable discounts and excessive hospitality, and making unreasonable and persistent complaints until hotel workers kneel on the floor and apologize.

They also say hotels can decline accommodations to heavily drunk customers. 

A final version of the outline will be approved by December.

The guidelines were drafted following revisions made to the Hotel Business Law in June.

The revisions allowed hotels to turn away guests who impose excessive burdens on their employees, creating an exception to the law that prohibits hotels from refusing customers.

So behave yourselves, kiddies!

To read more, go here

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