Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Masks: "Will Not Reduce The Spread"

Above, lest we forget that Fauci admitted that masks are ineffective.

The media has been reporting upticks in the numbers of new COVID cases, hospitalizations along with deaths.

What people should be on guard about are opportunistic politicians taking advantage and imposing lockdowns and mandates. 

According to Fox News:

Dr. Anthony Fauci in an interview on Saturday spoke about the potential for a return to mask-wearing in America in light of a seasonal uptick in COVID cases and hospitalizations.

Now, doctors reached by Fox News Digital are sharing reaction to the comments by the former White House chief medical adviser. 

"I am concerned that people will not abide by [masking] recommendations," Fauci said in the interview.

Dr. Brett Osborn, a board-certified neurosurgeon in West Palm Beach, Florida, is also the founder of a preventative health care and anti-aging facility, Senolytix. 

In response to Fauci’s comments defending masking, Osborn pointed to "limited efficacy data" for masks — "particularly regarding the large-scale spread of the disease, as was the case during the pandemic," he told Fox News Digital. 

"Let’s face it, regardless of mask usage, the population en masse will be exposed to SARS-COV-2, and its variants, as is the case with influenza," Osborn went on. 

"This is inevitable and independent of quarantines, lockdowns and other measures that only cultivate a sense of false security," he also said. 

Dr. John W. Ayers, PhD, vice chief of innovation in the Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Public Health at the University of California San Diego, noted that pre-pandemic, masking was discouraged by experts because the evidence then was negative about the protective effects for the wearer.  

Said Ayers, "Fauci's claims about masking policies, which includes reusable cloth masks and surgical masks, will not reduce the spread of COVID-19."

To read more, go here.

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