Tuesday, September 12, 2023

RPNM Announces Lawsuit Against Governor and NM Secretary of Health

RPNM Announces Lawsuit Against Governor and NM Secretary of Health

Albuquerque, September 11—Today, we announce the Republican Party of New Mexico is preparing to file a lawsuit against Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and the New Mexico Secretary of Health, Patrick M. Allen, for deliberately violating the United States and New Mexico Constitutions with their emergency public health order that includes a ban on concealed and open carry within Albuquerque and Bernalillo County.

RPNM Chairman and former Congressman Steve Pearce issued the following statement:

"The Governor and the Secretary of Health's egregious overstepping of New Mexicans' rights may be the worst we have seen in the nation. Our lawsuit will challenge the Governor and the Secretary of Health's authority to supersede our federal and state constitutions with the stroke of a pen.

America is watching this case unfold in New Mexico. We must set a precedent for the rest of the nation that politicians and unelected officials do not have the right to declare an emergency anytime they want to override your constitutional rights. 

The Governor made her stance clear when she said, "no constitutional right, in my view, including my oath, is intended to be absolute." Michelle Lujan Grisham must be held accountable for her unlawful stunt. This must never happen again in our state or the rest of the nation. We want New Mexicans to know the Governor was wrong, and you have rights."

Our litigation is in addition to the New Mexico House and Senate Republican's lawsuit and several other independent entities filing lawsuits regarding this order.


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