Thursday, September 14, 2023

RV Border Crossing Tips

Above, San Ysidro border crossing. Dept. of Homeland Security photo.

Over the years, I have been to Mexico once and to Canada twice. Never have I been to either country in an RV. 

RV Life has posted an article with tips on crossing the border to each country. 

There apparently are special rules involving crossing the border in an RV. My late aunt and uncle used to drive their Class A motorhome down to San Felipe quite often. They never ran into any problems that I am aware of. They traveled there back in the 1970s and 1980s.

RV Life begins their article with:

RVing is a popular practice around the world, so many travelers want to take international trips. Lots of RVers dream of taking the long pilgrimage through Canada to Alaska, while others want to enjoy the sunny weather in Mexico. But there are rules you need to follow if a border crossing is part of your trip.

With the right preparation, you can absolutely drive an RV into another country. You just need to be prepared for additional security checks and a few restrictions. You’ll definitely need to plan ahead if you want to cross international borders because these are carefully guarded. Make sure you have all your necessary documents in hand and ditch any forbidden items.

Fortunately, plenty of RVers have been in your shoes, so you don’t have to figure everything out yourself. There are well-established rules and practices at each border, although the specifics may vary depending on whether you’re going to Canada or Mexico. Let’s take a closer look at the ins and outs of an RV border crossing.

To read the full article, go here

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