Monday, September 25, 2023

RV Wind Protection

Above, at camp in Barstow, California in 2017 before the winds kicked up. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Camping or driving in windy conditions is no fun. The worst I experienced was in 2017 in Barstow, California during a clamp-out. The winds got to bad it ripped up awnings, blew tents like tumbleweeds and kicked up dust. I remember it as I was just getting over bronchitis at time.

There are things one can do to minimize the misery of camping and driving in windy conditions. RV Life has posted some "tips and tricks" for smoother travels.

They begin with:

You never know what kind of weather you might run into during your RV travels. Storms are a bit easier to predict, but wind can spring up when you least expect it! But as a general rule, fall and winter tend to have more extreme weather. It can be a real hassle to protect your RV and your campsite from the wind, but there are always some things you can try. Let’s talk about wind protection and how you can stay safe in the campground and on the road!

In most cases, wind is just an annoyance. Nobody likes to deal with gusts of air ruining their hair, blowing smoke in their face, or lifting camp chairs off the ground. But there are some circumstances where windstorms become downright dangerous. It’s rare to see gusts that are strong enough to rock or tip your vehicle, but it’s always a possibility.

Being proactive against wind can make a huge difference during your next trip. You can have an infinitely better experience by tweaking a few habits and being especially careful while you’re driving. Selecting the right campground and site can also make a windy day more bearable. Read on to hear our best tips and tricks for RV wind protection this fall.

To read more, go here

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