Saturday, September 30, 2023

Shutdown: What Will It Mean For Public Lands Access?

Above, one thing is certain, Old Faithful in Yellowstone won't
 be turned off during a shutdown. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The looming government shutdown will lead to the closure of most national parks and other public lands.

As previously posted on this blog, the states of Arizona, Colorado and Utah are looking to keep their national parks open on their dime.

RV Travel has posted an article on what the shutdown means for RVers, at least what is known so far.

They begin with:

At the time of this writing, Friday, September 29, from all appearances, the likelihood of a federal government shutdown happening on Sunday is a safe bet. We’ll leave the politics out of this article, and get to how RVers and others could be affected. What will happen to access to national parks and other public lands? Here’s the latest information.

To read more, go here.

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