Thursday, October 19, 2023

10 Tips For Setting Up Camp In The Dark

Above, at the Fillmore (Utah) KOA. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

There is one thing that I really try to avoid when going camping, either in an RV or tenting, is arriving and setting up camp after dark. I've had to do that a few times over the years. Thankfully, not in recent years.

RV Life has posted 10 tips on setting up camp after dark.

It begins with:

We all like to believe that our RV trips will go off without a hitch and we’ll always arrive exactly on time. But of course, it’s a rare day when everything goes according to plan! Sometimes we arrive at our RV campsite several hours later than we meant to. Although it’s never ideal, this means that you need to set up camp in the dark.

Obviously, you should do everything you can to arrive at your chosen campground/RV resort before nightfall. But a detour, a vehicle breakdown, or unexpected traffic can throw off your timing. Even the most well-prepared travelers may run into a situation like this. Most RVers have had to set up camp in the dark at some point in their lives.

Although it’s not ideal, you can take care of business no matter how late it is. The key is being able to cover the necessities, while leaving the rest for the following morning. There’s no reason to take care of every little detail when you’re already tired and grouchy. So if you need advice on setting up an RV campsite in the dark, we’ve got a complete guide for you!

To read more, go here

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