Saturday, October 21, 2023

Finally Deposited

Above, Ethan Wayne and yours truly with my donation check at the marathon site near Ridgway.

Almost a full month ago, I went up to Ridgway, Colorado to volunteer for the John Wayne Cancer Foundation's "Grit Series" Half Marathon and 5k. I was one of four at the first aid station on the course near a location used in the movie True Grit (1969) starring John Wayne. 

After the event was over, as I was leaving, I stopped at the starting/finishing line and was greeted by John Wayne's youngest son Ethan (we met last year). I then handed him a donation check and we posed with it.

I periodically check my checking account and saw that the check hadn't been deposited. As the weeks went on and it didn't appear, I was starting to get concerned that maybe it got misplaced.

Well, finally, it was posted in my account yesterday showing that it was deposited into the Foundation's account, much to my relief. 

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