Wednesday, October 11, 2023

G-TOUR 4 Announced

Above, the announcement page from G-FAN.

The latest issue of G-FAN (no. 141) arrived in today's mail.

One item caught my attention during my initial thumb-through of the issue. It is on page 90. It is an announcement of G-TOUR 4 to Japan. It is to take place sometime in October/November 2024. The exact dates are to be announced.

G-FAN publisher/editor J. D. Lees and I discussed G-TOUR back in April when I emailed him about the 70% increase in the prices for the Japan Rail Passes. He said at the time that he was unsure if there would be a G-TOUR 4. The price increases may affect G-TOUR. In any case, the price increases certainly were not a help.

Obviously, he has decided to go through with G-TOUR 4. 

Depending on the cost of it and the duration, I may be interested in joining it. The duration part is of concern. In years past, when my mom or daughter babysat my cat(s), it was no problem. My mom passed away in December 2010 and my daughter is in California while I am in New Mexico. I could have friends babysit Sierra, but it depends on the duration of the tour. 

My last trip to Japan was in October 2015, so I am a bit overdue for a return visit.

I have to wait and see when details are made available. 

In any case, if one has been considering a trip to Japan but are apprehensive of going alone, this would provide an opportunity to visit the Land of Godzilla with like-minded fans. We had a great time during the first G-TOUR in 2004 (Yeesh, almost 20 years ago!) I recommend it!

Keep watch at for updates.

1 comment:

  1. I'm interested as well. I want to see what the price will be.
