Saturday, October 14, 2023

"Ring of Fire" Eclipse

Above, the Ring of Fire eclipse. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The "Ring of Fire" annular eclipse of today is now history.

It was an interesting diversion. Unfortunately, my Canon camera didn't exactly cooperate today. Only a few photos at the beginning of the eclipse are somewhat recognizable. The others were total washouts.

Above, outside eclipse viewing.

It dawned on me afterwards that I didn't have a lens filter on. I completely forgot about it. I later remembered that I had trouble putting on a lens shade on the lens as the filter was in its way when I took my photos in 2017 of the Great American Eclipse.

However, today wasn't a total loss as I was able to get some photos with my cell phone camera. I put the solar shade glasses lens over the cell phone camera lens. That did the trick. 

The photos accompanying this blog post are all from my cell phone.  

After the eclipse watching, we gathered at Denny's at the Flying J for coffee and lunch. 

Above, the gang at Denny's. Photo courtesy of Russell Azbill.

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