Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Shoddy Binding On 2024 Whitman Coins Red Book

Above, the 2024 Red Book. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The 2024 A Guide Book of United States Coins (the Red Book) by Whitman Publishing, LLC arrived in today's mail.

I hadn't purchased one since the 1976 Bicentennial Edition.

Well, I have to say I am very disappointed in it without even reading about any coins. 

This review I posted at Amazon explains it all:

The guide book arrived, but the spine of the book was not bound onto the pages. It appeared that no glue or stitching was used on the binding. Not what one would expect for a new hardbound book. Very disappointing.
Above, after gluing the cover onto the spine. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I gave it two stars because of this. After posting my review, I noticed that other purchasers had similar problems with their book purchases.

They also pointed out whom they feel is the culprit: China. The book was made in China.

Above, "Printed In China", that should tell you something. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Larry Lucier (who was with me when I opened the shipping box) and I glued the cover onto the spine. We shouldn't have had to do this. At least the book is usable now.

Whitman Publishing had better find a book company to make their books in the U.S.

I sent Whitman a complaint message.

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