Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Dirty "Gun Control" Secret of the Left

Every time a mass shooting takes place by some deranged bastard, the clamor of the far Left to enact new gun control and confiscation laws goes, like the following article from the American Thinker states, "like clockwork."

This is happening again in the aftermath of the Maine shooting. The article looks into the reasons why.

Here's a snippet:

Like clockwork, after a mass murder tragedy in at least one “gun-free” massacre zone, with the abject failure of gun control on full display, the gun-grabber ghouls are only too quick to exploit other people’s pain for their political gain, using a crisis to take guns away from their political enemies.

This is the dirty little open secret of the gun grabber left, with virtually all their policy obsessions centered on taking guns away from their political opposition.  None of their fascist fixations even gets close to addressing the severely increasing crisis of crime and terrorism.

Now, we ask: why is that the case?  Why do they care more about confiscating guns from innocent people than criminals and terrorists who pose a severe threat to public safety by several orders of magnitude?

The answer should be obvious: the harmless people of our society who own most of the guns impede the fascist far left’s attainment of full societal control. 

To read more, go here

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