Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Yesterday In Lake Havasu

Above, following the "last beer with Doug" at the cemetery. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Yesterday was spent attending the funeral and internment of Mitch Geriminsky's wife's father, Doug. 

It was a nice, but informal, service at the Lake Havasu church of Latter Day Saints. Following the service, we headed to the cemetery, Lake Havasu Memorial Gardens. It was a nice small cemetery. It is interesting to note that the cemetery is in a residential area, where, if one has a home or apartment there, they either have a view of the lake or of the cemetery. The cemetery was there first and the homes were built around it later. It is also the only cemetery in Lake Havasu.

Afterwards, we returned to the church for lunch.

When that ended, we headed back to Mitch's to rest up. Well, Mitch and wife Holly did. I studied the owner's manual to the new Remington Model 870 shotgun in the motorhome. 

Above, while studying the shotgun's owner's manual.

Before I knew it, around 20 of us returned to the cemetery to have our "last beer with Doug". By then, his grave was filled in and the only thing of concern were the water sprinklers that were on the whole time. The gathering was light-hearted with stories of Doug's life. He was a Navy veteran who participated in the Bay of Pigs failed operation in 1961. If only JFK allowed U.S. air support, the outcome would have been much different.

This morning, Mitch and I will be going to Hobby Lobby to get a frame for the painting I gave Mitch for his birthday. We may do a video call with Asya, if her work schedule allows, while we are there. 

After that is accomplished, I am heading back to New Mexico. It has been a busy six days in Lake Havasu.

By the way, Dwight Kuntz and I introduced Mitch to the Antiques Roadshow on PBS last evening. Incredible as it may seem, he was unfamiliar with it. He seemed to like it.

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