Thursday, November 9, 2023

7 First-Time Coin Collector Mistakes

Above, the two counterfeit coins I bought last year. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

My rule of thumb in coin collecting is that I buy what I like. There are those who are new to coin collecting who may be prone to making mistakes.

The only mistake I made was buying two counterfeit coins last year from an ad in Facebook. But my credit card company reversed the charge and I reported the matter to the authorities. I haven't seen the particular counterfeiters advertise in Facebook for months. Hopefully, they got the message and banned their ads.

Yahoo! Finance has posted an article on the seven worse mistakes first-time coin collectors make.

They begin it with:

Collecting coins can be fun and even lucrative. But there are seven mistakes you’ll want to avoid as a first-time coin collector.

Coin Collecting Mistakes To Avoid

Here are the seven most common mistakes you’ll always want to avoid as a first-time coin collector, according to Biltmore Loan and Jewelry:

To see what they are, go here

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