Saturday, November 25, 2023

A Relaxed Saturday

Above, the Jeep just before heading to Denny's at the Flying J. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The snow we received last night is already starting to disappear.

It is around 37° outside. The roads are clear and so is my driveway.

I took the Jeep down to Denny's at the Flying J for our Saturday coffee/breakfast. The roads were already clear when I left the house, just wet. Some of the guys said they got around 2-3 inches of snow overnight.

Later, after getting home, I saw some tracks in the snow on my driveway that weren't the Jeep's. It turned out to be from Federal Express delivering a package from Cabela's.

Above, having egg nog and brandy in the den.

This afternoon, I poured myself an egg nog and brandy. That's one thing I really enjoy during the holiday season.  

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