Sunday, November 19, 2023

Accomplished A Couple of Things

Since I was holed up inside the house during the afternoon yesterday by the rain, after cleaning the guns used during Friday's shoot, I went through my ammo box to inspect the rounds to make sure I had no more old and corroded bullets. 

Happily, none were corroded. 

Above, I ordered a table like this one. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Later, I ordered a table to use in future shoots at the shooting area near our subdivision. It is like the one Larry Lucier used last Friday. It was stable and the right size. I checked around for shooting tables and benches but found they were expensive. The ones that were not expensive were not to my liking. The table will be delivered sometime next week. This was made necessary as some "Adam Henry"* decided to demolish the big wooden spools we used for tables at the shooting area. 

*Law enforcement slang for anyone who is an asshole. This term would be used within civilians' earshot so they wouldn't know swearing was going down. (Source: Urban Dictionary)

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