Sunday, November 26, 2023

Biden's Ministry of Disarmament

The latest issue of American Rifleman arrived the other day that contains articles on Biden's "Ministry of Disarmament". I was hoping the NRA would post an article on this online and, happily, they have.

At the NRA America 1st Freedom website, the article goes into detail on how Biden's White House has created an office to hire gun control hacks at our expense.

It begins with:

There’s an old saying that if you hang around a place long enough, they might just give you a job. That has now proven true in the case of gun-control advocates who have closely allied themselves with the Joe Biden administration. They have always had his sympathetic ear and his support for their agenda to end firearm ownership in the United States as we know it. Now, however, Biden has gone a step further and created a special White House bureaucracy to put them on the federal payroll and to leverage the full power of the government to legitimize, amplify and expand their prohibitory ambitions. Worst of all, you will be paying for it.

In September, Biden announced he was creating the so-called White House Office for Gun Violence Prevention. His Rose Garden announcement identified four “primary responsibilities” for the office. First was to expedite implementation of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), a sprawling gun-control bill passed over the NRA’s opposition in the summer of 2022, as well as the numerous gun-control executive actions Biden has announced since assuming office. Second was to “coordinate support for the survivors of gun violence,” an effort Biden likened to how the Federal Emergency Management Agency responds to other disasters. Third was to identify new ways for Biden to act unilaterally to promote gun control. And, finally, Biden said the office would “expand the coalition of partners” in states and localities that are working to end “gun violence,” a euphemism for recruiting new gun-control advocates.

To read the full article, go here

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