Thursday, November 30, 2023

Made It To The Post Office (and Back)

Above, after getting the Jeep out of the garage. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It is days like these that I'm glad I got the ol' Jeep!

I drove it down on the slushy roads to the Flying J to go to the post office. Interstate 40 looked nice and clear, but the side roads are still icy and snowy.

Above, on the way to the post office at the Flying J. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The Jeep handled the roads just fine with its big tires. I wouldn't drive the Mustang in these road conditions (it is having starting problems anyway).

Above, heading back up my street to the house straight ahead. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The only issue was getting it back into the garage. The garage ramp was covered in snow and the Jeep fishtailed to the side as I was trying to drive it up the ramp. It veered backwards and to the right, almost to the edge. I put it into 4-wheel-drive and it went up the ramp with no problem. Whew!

Actually, the whole trip was fun.

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