Sunday, November 12, 2023

What Should You Do When You’re Done RVing?

Above, at the KOA-Lazydays RV park in Tucson last April. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Everything in life has a beginning and it also has an end. That includes RVing.

As one gets older, there will come a time when one is done with RV travel. Physical conditions and illness are two things (among others) one faces as we age. 

What to do for when it's time to settle down? RV Life has some tips on how to deal with it.

They begin with:

What Should You Do When You’re Done RVing?

RV travel is exhilarating, but every journey has its end. When it’s time to transition from the mobile to the immobile, it can be a mix of emotions. Here’s how to navigate the change.

Sell your RV in the spring

The best time to sell your RV is in the spring, when people are shopping for campers in anticipation of summer. To maximize your sale, consider listing your RV during this season. This ensures a broader audience and a quicker sale.

To read more, go here

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