Saturday, December 23, 2023

Skeet and Other Shooting

We managed to do some skeet shooting in the morning. It was clear out, but a little cold from last night's storm.

I found that the new shotgun was a little difficult to aim at skeet clays, especially when they were flying away from my shooting position. I may have to get a shotgun with a longer barrel. (We all need good excuses to buy more guns, right?) I had better luck in hitting skeet clays during the October shoot.

Still, it was a lot of fun. It is better than sitting around in a rocking chair.

After breakfast, we went back to the shooting area, but this time we went to a rifle and pistol range where Mitch's wife Holly tried out her new AR rifle her boss gave her for Christmas. We also shot pistols and other rifles. One of our group had a Henry H027 9mm rifle. I tried it out and liked it. Maybe I'll get one.

During the afternoon, we went to The Bunker Bar, which is out in the middle of the desert where access is only through a 3-5 mile dirt road. But that will be the topic of another blog post.

Some photos of the day:

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