Thursday, January 18, 2024

Avoiding The RV 10-Year Rule

Above, Cousin Eddie's RV from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

My motorhome will be 10 years old next year. So the following may become an issue then. But I am not worried about it as it is in great shape.

It us the "ten-year rule" that some RV parks and campgrounds impose to keep out junker RVs (like Cousin Eddie's in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation). 

RV Travel has an article on how one with an older RV can avoid the rule.

They begin it with:

The video below from the team at Drivin’ and Vibin’ discusses a heated topic among RVers, the 10-year rule. Many parks have a rule that RVs staying there must be under 10 years old.

While we can all understand the sentiment behind the rule is to keep out junker RVs, it remains unpopular because there are many, many well-kept RVs that are older than 10 years. To say nothing of the meticulously restored decades-old RVs still on the road, like the ones our hosts live in.

If you own an RV older than 10 years and have tried to make a reservation at one of the parks, you know what a hassle it can be. So the video was produced to help others in that situation.

To be sure, our host avoids these parks whenever possible because the 10-year rule just rubs him wrong. But there are instances where you don’t have a choice.

To read more, go here

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