Thursday, January 11, 2024

News From NMSSA


As we approach the start of the 2024 New Mexico Legislative Session, there are more bills we want to make you aware of. First, while we don't have a bill number yet, Senator Cervantes has said that he will again file a firearm waiting period bill. The bill would require a 14 Business Day wait before a purchased firearm could be taken home. Once we have a bill number we will send an update.

The 30-day session is a budget session, so non-budget bills require a message from the governor to be added to the agenda. Here are some bills that have been filed, but we don't know yet if they will be heard.

HB58 from Representative Lord would repeal New Mexico's law criminalizing private firearm sales. HB78 from Representative Block would make New Mexico a permitless, or constitutional carry, state. HB79 from Representative Block would reduce gross receipts tax on firearm and ammunition sales. HB81 from Representatives Reeb and Hernandez would give New Mexicans a tax credit for purchasing a gun safe. 

We will continue to update you on the progress of firearm related legislation in Santa Fe. Please forward our email alerts to your contacts who need to know what is happening in Santa Fe and let them know they can subscribe for free anytime. Also, please consider donating to NMSSA to help us keep up the fight for your rights in New Mexico.

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