Tuesday, January 30, 2024

NMSSA Legislative Update 1/29

Today in the House Judiciary Committee, both HB27, the red-flag law expansion, and HB129, the house version of a 14-day waiting period, passed on party-line votes. HB129 was amended to change it from 14 business days to 14 days, but that was the only substantive change made to the bills. Both of those bills now head to the House Floor where HB114, the bill that would make the firearms industry an easy target for litigation that could put them out of business, already sits.

Tomorrow 1/30, the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee will be hearing HB144. The bill would allow the state to funnel taxpayer dollars to gun control organizations. That meeting is scheduled for 1:30pm in Room 317 (zoom link).

On Wednesday 1/31, the House Judiciary Committee will be hearing HB127, the under-21 gun ban, and HB137, the semiautomatic firearm and magazine ban and registry. HB137 would be the most restrictive ban on guns anywhere in the country if it is passed. The meeting is scheduled for 1:30pm in Room 309 (zoom link). Here are pre-written emails to ask legislators to Oppose HB 127 and Oppose HB137.

We update the recipients of the following pre-written emails as the bills move through committees, so please continue to use them to contact legislators. Oppose HB27Oppose HB129Oppose HB114Oppose SB5Oppose SB69Oppose SB90Oppose SB204, and Oppose SJR12.

House Judiciary Committee
Christine Chandler - (D) 505-986-4411
Andrea Romero - (D) 505-986-4243
William "Bill" R. Rehm - (R) 505-986-4214
Eliseo Lee Alcon - (D) 505-986-4416
Gail Chasey - (D) 505-986-4777
Ryan Lane - (R) RYAN@LANEFORLIBERTY.COM 505-986-4758
Javier Martínez - (D) 505-986-4782
Matthew McQueen - (D) 505-986-4423
Representative Jared Hembree - (R) 505-986-4758
Andrea Reeb - (R) 505-986-4215
Reena Szczepanski - (D) 505-986-4777

House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee
Representative Joanne J. Ferrary - (D) 505-986-4844
Representative Angelica Rubio - (D) 505-986-4210
Representative Stefani Lord - (R) 505-986-4453
Representative John Block - (R) 505-986-4453
Representative Andrea Romero - (D) 505-986-4243
Representative Elizabeth Thomson - (D) 505-986-4425


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