Sunday, January 7, 2024

Poll: RVers' Mental Health Is Great

Above, yours truly enjoying a trip to Ridgway, Colorado last September.

There seems to be a lot of unhappy people around these days. If there isn't one thing they complain about, it's another. Maybe they just don't RV.

According to a recent poll at RV Travel, RVers have good and happy mental health by a whopping 75%. 

They posted an article on their poll results and it begins with:

A recent poll on asked RVers to describe their mental health and happiness. A whopping 75% said they are almost always happy or feeling good. Wow! That’s a lot of happy RVers! When looking at the core experiences of RVing, it is easy to see why there would be so many happy people, me included. Just when I was getting a bit demoralized about the whole RVing thing, this poll had me dumping my grumpy self to look at the reasons and analyze why I answered so positively.


Above, at Basecamp 550 in Ridgway, Colorado last September. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

To read more, go here.

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