Sunday, February 4, 2024

31st Anniversary of My 39th Birthday

Above, Monument Valley in October 2022.

This would be an ordinary Sunday except for one thing: today I am celebrating the 31st anniversary of my 39th birthday (as President Reagan used to say).

So far, over 70 well-wishes have been received at Facebook and elsewhere. For those who were thoughtful to send them, my deepest thanks. 

It is hard to believe that only a few years ago that whenever I was asked my age, I would reply, "I'm too young for MediCare and too old for women to care." Well, I've gone past that. 

It is indeed a blessing to have lived this long. I often think of contemporaries who have passed on, including friends and family members. I plan on keeping on. Staying active is the key to longevity. As of now, I am feeling fine. The medical emergency I had five years ago was a wake-up call. I have lost weight, eating healthier and follow my doctor's orders along with taking my medications. 

Funny thing. I was just down at the Flying J and waiting in a long line at the checkstand. A fellow behind me and I struck up a conversation. He is a long-haul trucker and he thought I was one too. He said, "You look like a trucker!" I told him no, I am a retired insurance adjuster and the only thing I drove in my job was a desk. 

I'll just close this with something President Reagan told former President Jimmy Carter at the dedication of the Carter Library in 1986. Reagan told Carter, as it was also Carter's birthday, "Life begins at 70!" 

Here's where I find out if that's true.

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