Saturday, February 10, 2024

Got Some Snow Shoveling Done

Above, after snow shoveling. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Today, we were supposed to have our usual Saturday coffee/breakfast down at Denny's, but I couldn't make it due to the head cold I have. Well, I could have, but I would risk passing it on to the others.

As it turned out, only one showed up. 

Later, I needed to get some bottled water out of the garage. But the walkways needed shoveling (we got around 3" of snow last night). So, I did do some shoveling of the walkways. I managed to get it done before I started gasping for air. 

I got six bottles of water out of the garage and into the house. Once that was done, I poured myself a cup of coffee, which helped clear up my air passages. 

I'll sure be glad when this cold is over and gone.   

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