Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Major 2nd Amendment Victory In Circuit Court

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (sometimes referred to as the "Ninth Circus") or at least a three-judge panel of it, got this one right.

The following is definitely a Second Amendment (and First Amendment) victory.

MSM reported:

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals denied a request to rehear a ruling that found California’s ban on gun advertisements in junior sports magazines likely unconstitutional.

The decision was made by a three-judge panel, stating that the ban does not directly reduce gun violence among youth and violates the First Amendment by restricting truthful advertisements about lawful gun use.

The panel’s conclusion was “that because California permits minors under supervision to possess and use firearms for hunting and other lawful activities, [the Marketing Firearms to Minors Law] facially regulates speech that concerns lawful activity and is not misleading,” Judge Kenneth Lee said.

To read more, go here

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