Saturday, February 24, 2024

New Mexico Senate Bill 41 - Gas Tax

One of the most stupid moves the Democrats who control the state legislature in Santa Fe made this legislative session is the gas tax bill. It appears the Left in New Mexico wants to make gasoline almost as pricey as in California. It is particularly stupid of them since this is an election year.

They passed this bill:

S.B. 41 – Gas Tax

The bill, referred to as the “Clean Fuel Standard” sponsored by Sen. Mimi Stewart (D-Albuquerque), will increase gas prices by at least 50 cents per gallon, and you can expect similar increases in groceries and supplies, as well as an increase in pretty much everything else. This bill will make life more expensive in New Mexico.

Nothing like sticking it to the people of New Mexico. 

Unless she already signed the bill into law, people need to contact Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and demand that she veto this bill. 

If she signs it, we'll need to remember this come the November election and vote out every Democrat who voted for it.

Here are the final votes:

House final vote on S.B. 41:

Senate final vote on S.B. 41:

To read about more stupid legislation, go here.

1 comment:

  1. Tax and spend has always been the Democrat’s creed and is the current status quo in this country!
