Friday, February 16, 2024

NMSSA: The 2024 NM Legislative Session is Over


Today at noon, the 2024 New Mexico Legislative Session officially came to a close. Here is a quick recap of what passed, what didn't, and what might happen next.

Two bills passed the legislature and are waiting for the governor's signature: HB129, the 7-day firearm purchase waiting period bill, and SB5, the polling place gun restriction bill. Both bills have exemptions for concealed carry permit holders. For the waiting period bill, this means that someone with a current New Mexico concealed carry permit won't have to wait 7 days to take their new firearm home with them - purchasing a firearm will be the same as before. For the polling place gun restriction bill, open carrying of firearms within 100ft of a polling place is banned, but someone with a current New Mexico concealed carry permit can still carry a concealed firearm with them to a polling place.

So what didn't pass? Everything else. The semiautomatic firearm and magazine ban, the under-21 semiautomatic firearm ban, the firearm industry liability bill, the red flag expansion bill, the proposed constitutional changes, the bill that could give taxpayer dollars to anti-gun groups, and the gun and ammo tax bill all failed to pass this session. Additionally, the gun safe tax credit bills also failed to pass.

Just hours after the conclusion of the session, because so many of the gun control bills she desperately wanted failed to pass, the governor said she is considering calling a special session to rehear those bills. In 2021, the governor called a special session shortly after the conclusion of the regular session to focus on cannabis legalization. If we are going to have a special session this year, we expect that it will happen soon. Our next priority is making sure we are ready if it happens.

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