Thursday, February 1, 2024

NMSSA Legislative Update 1/31


Today, the House Judiciary Committee passed both HB127, the under-21 semiautomatic firearm possession ban, and HB137, the semiautomatic firearm and magazine sales ban and registry of currently owned semiautomatic firearms, on party-line votes. Also today, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed SB69, the Senate version of a 14-day firearm waiting period on a party-line vote.

With today's committee votes, HB27HB114HB127HB129HB137, and SB69 are all waiting for floor votes by their respective chambers. The importance of stopping these bills on the floor cannot be understated. We will not have an opportunity to testify on these bills during floor debate, but we must let all representatives and senators know we oppose the bills. We are holing a Rally at the Capitol this Saturday at 10am to use our First-Amendment rights to advocate for our Second-Amendment rights.

We update the recipients of the following pre-written emails as the bills move through committees, so please continue to use them to contact legislators. Oppose HB27Oppose HB114Oppose HB 127Oppose HB129Oppose HB137Oppose SB5Oppose SB69Oppose SB90Oppose SB204, and Oppose SJR12. Thanks to our partners at Better Together NM who work with us on these alerts.

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