Sunday, February 25, 2024

Ran The Mower, Mini-Bike and Baton Found

As planned, I went out to the garage to fire up the mini-bike and mower. 

The mini-bike started after a few pulls. The mower, however, needed a jump start from my battery charger as I hadn't started it in over a month and a half. After about five minutes on the charger, the mower started.

I ran both for several minutes (the mower over 20 minutes). 

While both motors were running, I looked around the garage for my old PR24 aluminum side handle baton. I mentioned in an earlier post about California's billy club ban being struck down. I knew my police PR24 baton was in the garage somewhere.

Actually, it was easy to find. It was on a shelf next to my patrol gear bag. 

Here's photo of it:

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