Saturday, February 24, 2024

Remington Arms Moving Out of New York

Thanks to hostile liberal anti-gun policies of New York state, another firearms manufacturing company is abandoning a northeast liberal state for more friendlier surroundings. 

First, it was Smith & Wesson leaving Massachusetts, now it is Remington. The company is heading to Georgia.

Law Enforcement Today reported:

ILION, NY- The residents of the small community of Ilion are discovering firsthand that the anti-gun stance adopted by New York's legislature would result in numerous job losses. This is evident following Remington's decision to relocate to Georgia, marking the end of over 200 years of the oldest firearms manufacturer's presence in New York, Fox News reported.

Ilion, located approximately 230 miles northwest of New York City, has been identified with Remington for over two centuries, and with the move, that history is now gone. 

“Two hundred and eight years of history. Gone…gone,” Ilion Mayor John P. Stephens told The New York Times. “Ilion is Remington. Remington is Ilion.” 

The move to relocate the remaining portions of the company shouldn’t come as a surprise since RemArms, the current version of Remington Arms, announced last year to union officials that the company would be pulling up stakes and ending New York manufacturing operations effective this March. The remaining operations are moving to Georgia, where company officials say the firearms industry is supported and welcomed. 

Residents of the small community are now bracing for life without Remington, which some say will take a part of the town’s identity with it. 

“When Remington leaves, it’s not going to be like a facility leaving, it’s going to be like part of your family has moved off,” said Jim Conover, a Remington retiree who started with the company in 1964, to the Associated Press. 

Last year, I bought my first Remington, a Remington Model 870 Express shotgun.

To read more, go here

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