Thursday, February 1, 2024

The Convention That Wasn't

Above, the front of Sammy C's Rockin' Sports Pub & Grill. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

A little while ago, I returned home from Gallup.

I went there to attend the McKinley County Republican Pre-Primary convention at Sammy C's Rockin' Sports Pub & Grill. It is owned by Sammy Cioda, who is a radio announcer at KYAT-FM for Millennium Media. 

Above, the main hallway/lobby of Sammy C's. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

When I got there, there was nothing to indicate that there would be a convention or any kind of meeting at the announced time of 12:45 PM. So, I went to the bar and ordered a screwdriver (vodka and orange juice). I hadn't had one in years. It was good.

Above, the bar, where a women's breakaway rodeo was shown on the monitors. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

When I sat down at the bar, Sammy C came in and greeted everyone. He makes it a point to greet his customers. I met him three years ago. We were introduced by Nandoh. 

I wandered around the place to look over Sammy's collection of sports and entertainment memorabilia. It is quite a collection. 

Above, enjoying my screwdriver in the bar.

When 12:45 arrived, I and others asked about it. Sammy said the time was moved to 5:45 this evening. Apparently, the McKinley County GOP didn't tell anyone.

Since we are supposed to get a rain and/or snow shower storm coming in after 2:00, I decided to leave and do some grocery shopping before heading back to Jamestown.

Above, a standee of Sammy C near the main entrance. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Although disappointing, it wasn't a wasted trip as I got out of the house and enjoyed looking over Sammy C's memorabilia.

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