Thursday, February 29, 2024

Woman In Birthday Suit Goes On Rampage In Venice

Above, this is even weird by California standards.

Here's some news of the weird, thanks to my "honorary sister" who passed this on.

A naked woman went on a violent rampage at California's Venice Beach boardwalk. This reminds me of the time I was coming home from work and at the end of my freeway exit in Hawthorne, a nude middle-aged woman was standing at the crosswalk and waving at motorists exiting the freeway.

After leaving the exit, I went to the gas station down the street to get gasoline. While I was pumping gas, I saw a police car pass by and the woman was in the back seat. She must've been on drugs or something.

According to the Gateway Pundit:

A crazed woman was caught on video going on a violent rampage in a tony Los Angeles neighborhood and even used a medieval weapon during part of the attack.

The incident occurred Monday according to TMZ. Witnesses saw a fully naked lady go berserk on a boardwalk in Venice Beach, confronting and attacking residents before another woman intervened.

The woman, dressed in a black tank top, attempted to end the madness with spiked clubs. The video, captured by TMZ, shows the clothed woman swinging a club at the nudist, who retreats to defend herself. This process repeats itself for several minutes.

Naturally, people may wonder what the police did about this incident. Apparently not much.

According to the article:

Police did not respond to TMZ for comment when asked if anyone was arrested following the incident.

Los Angeles has been ravaged with serious crime over the past several years thanks to Democrat-run leadership. But this incident qualifies as bizarre even by their standards.

To read the full story, go here

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