Sunday, April 28, 2024

Japan's Golden Week's Travel Bug

Above, yours truly at Godaido Temple in Matsushima in 2006.

Millions of Japanese are hitting the airports, train and bus stations to celebrate Golden Week.

I was in Japan during Golden Week back in 2006 and I remember how crowded the train stations got. I took a bullet train (Shinkansen) trip up to Sendai and Matsushima. 

According to the Asahi Shimbun:

Millions of Japanese started their Golden Week holidays by crowding train stations and airports as they headed to their holiday destinations and hometowns.

Overseas travel was out of the question for many people due to the weak yen.

Predictably, JR Tokyo Station was packed to the rafters as people started fleeing the capital April 27 to spend the holiday period with family members and friends.

Travel departures are expected to reach their peak on May 3, with return trips hitting their busiest on May 5 and 6, according to Japan Railway group companies. The Nozomi trains on Tokaido and Sanyo Shinkansen lines will operate with all seats reserved until May 6.

To read more, go here.

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