Monday, May 6, 2024

Gen. Patton Memorial Museum

Above, Gen. George S. Patton and Willie. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Following the clampout, I headed across the desert to reach Interstate 10 to go to the General Patton Memorial Museum at Chiriaco Summit to see my uncle Ralph Ledoux's memorial brick I bought about a couple of years ago.

As the museum opens at 9:30 and I got to Chiriaco Summit 45 minutes early, I had a chili and cheese omelete at the Chiriaco Summit Cafe. It was excellent!

When I got there, I went to the clerk's desk to have them look up its location. But, it wasn't in their computer system.

I asked them to lead me to the newer section of bricks. We went over to a wall next to (and west) of the statue of General Patton and his dog Willie. Almost immediately, talk about luck, I found my uncle's brick. Considering that there are thousands of bricks, it was amazing finding it right away.

After taking some pictures of it, I went to my dad's and grandfather's brick and took some pictures of them.  

Here's the bricks:

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