Wednesday, May 8, 2024

National Parks Traveler To Stay In Business

Above, low clouds in Yosemite Valley. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Some good news showed up in my email news feed this morning.

National Parks Traveler news site will stay in operation.

They wrote:

Just months after it looked like the National Parks Traveler would cease after 18 years due to insufficient funding, readers, listeners, sponsors, and underwriters have provided enough financial support to keep the news organization in operation. 

Our readers and donors look to the Traveler for daily journalism on issues, science, exploration, travel, and park news. No other news organization focuses solely on national parks and protected areas, resulting in a unique blend of editorially independent coverage that led to an outpouring of support when it looked like the site would go dark at the end of June.

We’re not completely out of the woods, but the support will enable continued news coverage while we work to further solidify the Traveler’s financial footing. If you can help with that, please drop us a line.

To read more, go here

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