Thursday, June 6, 2024

Swamp Cooler Fixed, Etc.

Above, the old and new swamp cooler motors. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

This morning, I headed into Gallup to go to the Home Depot to get a new motor for the swamp cooler.

Just in case, I brought along the old motor for reference. They had one of the same configurations (horsepower, etc.) as the old one. I also bought a new plug cable and pulley for it.

After getting home, I texted friend Nandoh and he said he'd be over in an hour or so. 

While waiting for him, I worked on the Jeep and got it running. While it was running, I did some adjusting of the carburetor. Now it idles stronger. (I later took it to the Flying J to check the mailbox and everything went fine. No conk-outs!) It wasn't the fuel pump after all.

Later, Nandoh came over and installed the new swamp cooler motor. It fired up as soon as I turned on the switch. I will be taking Nandoh and his wife to dinner for helping out.

It's a good thing we got the motor in, it is going to be over 90° today. It is 88° now.

Speaking of heat, I heard from Asya. Today's her birthday. She said she's in Dubai. She got there two weeks ago. She is working as a massage therapist in one of the hotels. She may work for a massage salon for a British girl.

She sent the below photo:

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