Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Almost Ready To Go

Above, after getting the "toys" out of their respective garages. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Packing my luggage is about 95% done.

I got The Beast out of the GOCO Beast Barn. It is not to drive to Chicago for G-FEST in, but to get to the Albuquerque Sunport for the flight to O'Hare Airport.

I took it down to the Flying J to gas it up ($3.250/gallon here, $3.599 in Gallup the last time I checked). I had to get the Jeep out to return to the Flying J to get my mail as the RV key ring doesn't include the key to the mailbox, whereas the Jeep key ring does.

Looking forward to heading out to G-FEST.

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