Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Keeping Political Polar Opposite Friends

Above, I found out recently that Jessica Tseang is opposite politically
 to me. We haven't ever discussed politics and I have plans to do so. 

In this polarized era where conservatives and liberals are practically at each other's throats over this election campaign and politics in general, one wonders how friends who are polar opposites politically can remain friends.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, of course. 

One can look back at actors James Stewart and Henry Fonda. Stewart was a conservative and Fonda a liberal. They both came from the same era of movies and were great friends, yet were very opposite politically. They managed to remain friends over the decades until death took them.

How did they manage to accomplish this? 

It was simple. They did not discuss politics at all. Each knew where the other stood but did not raise the subject of politics. 

I have some left-leaning friends. We manage to remain so because we don't discuss politics. We confine our conversations strictly to subjects that are shared interests such as movies, ECV, Godzilla, comic books, travel, etc.

So if one wants to keep the peace with friends who don't share one's views politically, just don't discuss politics. 

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