Sunday, August 18, 2024

Flip-Flopping Harris Still Lags Behind Trump

Polls vary, some by very much. One of the more trustworthy presidential polls is by Rasmussen.

Ammoland has posted the latest Rasmussen presidential poll that shows Kamala Harris lagging behind former President Donald Trump.

They wrote:

A new Rasmussen survey released Thursday shows Vice President Kamala Harris still lagging behind former President Donald Trump, despite her efforts to moderate her previous positions on a variety of issues, including a shift away from the proposed “mandatory buyback” of semiautomatic rifles.

According to Rasmussen, a recent national telephone and online survey of likely U.S. voters revealed Trump is ahead of Harris 49-44 percent, with 3 percent saying the would vote for someone else and 2 percent saying they are undecided. 

Other polls also posted in the article show some wide disparities between them. 

To read more, go here.

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