Friday, August 30, 2024

Mountain States Most Pro-Second Amendment

A study by found that the mountain states of the U.S. are the most pro-Second Amendment states in 2014.

The HomeTown Register reported their findings.

They begin with:

 (The Center Square) – Mountain States are among the most gun-friendly states in 2024.

The rankings come from ammunition e-commerce and wholesaler company 

Wyoming is 12th this year, due in part to the Cowboy State having Constitutional Carry, a governor that is pro-2nd Amendment, and Stand Your Ground Castle Doctrine, and No Duty to Retreat policies. 

Idaho is the 11th most gun-friendly state. As it is in Wyoming, Idahoans can open and concealed carry without a permit.

“Those traveling to Idaho will need a concealed carry (CCW) permit, although the state accepts permits from all 50 states,” said in this year’s report. “The state’s standard sales tax applies to all firearms and equipment, but you won’t have to register your firearms or take additional courses before purchasing.”

To read more, go here

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